Ip’s Dublin Lectures on Practical Film Dramaturgy - Get the Full Picture on Tools for Progress

Dear Vienna-Filmcoach Fan Community!

Unfortunately, we have to inform you at this point that Ip Wischin passed away completely unexpectedly on November 18th, 2023.
A legacy for our dear teacher, coach and friend is in the works.
Until then, keep your head up and – in keeping with his spirit – may the force be with you!

Marc Miletich, Ip´s 1.Padavan

tools for progressIp’s Dublin Lectures on Practical Film Dramaturgy - Get the Full Picture on Tools for Progress

Vienna based renowned industrial storyteller and corporate media consultant Ip Wischin is back in Dublin. Get ahead of the field with the sharpest tools for filmmakers!
You can get the full package with half price early bird benefits here.

You can as well book the lectures of your choice separately below.

Thu 8-10 pm Introduction to film language for writers. - there are some essentials on thinking film that most beginners and even long-time pros often get wrong. You’ll never look at movies the same way again. Basics. Think negative. Troika.

Fr 7-9 pm Essential tools for screenwrights.. Good films make the invisible visible. Learn how a writer must think upside down and inside out to achieve that. This workshop has been called a game-changer amongst aspiring writers. Find out why! Thingies. Conflict Map.

Sat 10-12 am Writing character for film.. Of course, it’s all about character. But who are those moving specs on the silver screen to which we relate as characters? Well, they need to carry meaning, they need to point at something meaningful. What? How? Find out, my friends! Hero. Emanations. Character Treats.

Sat 2-4 pm Semiotics.. This is for people who want to be able to effectively read the sign-language of film. Not only for aspiring directors and camera-people. Comes in handy once you know exactly what it is you want to come across. (If you don’t better attend the other lectures too.

Sat 5-7 pm Acting for film. - art theory of acting. Every screen actor contains a universe of skills and attitudes. We’ll debunk a lot of myths about method acting, over-acting, sense memory, and other stuff and give you two hours packed with information on how to approach various tasks considering the whole range of acting techniques and degrees of professionalism. There are certain things where you must not compromise - even in no-budget-films.

Sat 8-10 pm Comedy Rules for Film.. Comedy is a serious matter. Never try to be funny: you’ll only produce lame jokes. But if you’re consistent about your characters - insanely consistent - you’re on your way to becoming a comedy writer and/or director. Also for actors.