Next stop: Zürich

Dear Vienna-Filmcoach Fan Community!

Unfortunately, we have to inform you at this point that Ip Wischin passed away completely unexpectedly on November 18th, 2023.
A legacy for our dear teacher, coach and friend is in the works.
Until then, keep your head up and – in keeping with his spirit – may the force be with you!

Marc Miletich, Ip´s 1.Padavan

tools for progress 2Spread the word: April 28th Ip is coming to Zurich for another lecture on his special field of functional film grammar, which is all about the knowledge required for putting emotions, thoughts, messages into the public's heads according to a plan. It is a no-nonsense approach to filmmaking which only cares about the technicalities of messaging via moving images - the art part is still up to you and your artistic visions.

Get your tickets here