Online Class on Screenwriting for FNI

Dear Vienna-Filmcoach Fan Community!

Unfortunately, we have to inform you at this point that Ip Wischin passed away completely unexpectedly on November 18th, 2023.
A legacy for our dear teacher, coach and friend is in the works.
Until then, keep your head up and – in keeping with his spirit – may the force be with you!

Marc Miletich, Ip´s 1.Padavan


Here's what you don't want to miss: Film Lectures on Functional Moviemaking - Techniques to avoid formulaic movie concepts 

  1. Why film isn’t slices of life and how to become fluent in film as a language (August 12th, 6-8 PM GMT)
  2. Show, don’t tell, like a pro (August 14th, 6-8 PM GMT)
  3. Characters are like signs on a screen - good dialogue is meaningful noise (August 19th, 6-8 PM GMT)
  4. Visual style - myth-busting of rules (August 21st, 6-8 PM GMT)

Book and pay here for a special 4-classes-package for only € 60,-!